There are basically two standards for two areas in the world of electricity: ANSI/IEEE countries – typically North and Central America; and IEC countries – Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
ANSI and IEEE are international organizations that develop and disseminate standards concerning the electromechanical industry and electrical machines, so in our case the general rules for the production and testing of transformers.
IEC is a collection of documents that define the key principles, practices and performance needs of the European concept of cabling and distribution systems.
IEC 60076-11:2018 applies to dry-type power transformers with maximum voltages for equipment up to and including 72.5 kV (52 kV) and at least one winding operating at a voltage greater than 1.1 kV.
ANSI/IEEE is a set of specific rules for the design, installation, and uniform application of electrical systems based on principles and practices in North America.
The IEEE C57.12.01 standard describes the electrical and mechanical requirements of distribution and power transformers or ventilated, non-ventilated, and dry-sealed autotransformers (single-phase and polyphase) with natural or forced ventilation, dry type, with a primary voltage equal to or greater than 601 V.
TMC is able to design and develop products according to both international standards and can customize products according to the specific needs of each local market in terms of solutions and accessories.
IEC and ANSI/IEEE establish performance requirements for protection against fire and electric shock, i.e. protection of people and property. Both of the following documents cover the installation, use, and maintenance of wiring systems for premises and equipment.
In accordance with the aforementioned regulations, TMC also offers solutions and certifications for specific application standards, such as:
- Marine/offshore industry: ABS, GL, DNV, BV, RINA, CCS, NK
- Railways industry: IEC, EN, DIN, ISO through TÜV
- Russia: EAC/GOST
- Canada: CSA
- United States of America: UL